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时间:2013-11-10 17:45:00 点击:

  核心提示:知识点总结 高中英语考纲作以下要求:能听懂题材熟悉、难度略低于所学材料的语段,语速为110-120WPM、还有就是能听懂广播、电视及其它音像制品中与本学段水平相当的语言材料,除教材外,泛听总量应达到4...



1、 高考对听力的要求属低要求,因其语速在130WPM以下。(快速220WPM以上,较快速190-220WPM,平均速160-190WPM,较慢速130-160WPM.)

2、 题材为大纲要求的41个交际项目。

3、 文本难度低于课本所学材料。

4、  泛听总量只能多、不能少。

5、  难度要求有梯度、由易到难。


1. 内容基本不超出大纲附表中所列出的日常交际用语项目,但绝不是原版照搬,不敢越雷池半步。

2. 从近年高考听力试卷的内容可以看出其追求材料真实性的趋势。

3. 近年高考一方面将语速提高到了接近正常语速,另一方面材料也基本上从现实生活中取材而未经加工,反映的基本上是英语的实际应用情况。

4. 材料突出交际化、口语化和真实性,按由短对话到长对话、再到短文,由易到难安排。



1、人物关系(relationship between speakers)。

考查从情节判断人物关系。注意:对话中不会出现相应字眼,一般涉及:doctor and patient; shop assistant and customer; driver and policeman; teacher and student; friends; neighbors; classmates; boss(manager) and employee(secretary)等等,这项考查也适合于人物职业。


M: Good morning, Mrs. Green. Come in, What can I do for you?

W: Well, I’m having difficulty sleeping. I often wake up at 3:00 in the morning and I just can’t get back to sleep.

Question: What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.  neighbors   

B.  Boss and employee  

C.  Doctor and Patients.

解析:答案C。相应交际项目为: 看病(Seeing the doctor)。


从情节判断说话地点,与对人物关系的考查相同,对话中不会出现相应地点,若有也为干扰项,常见的有:at the hospital(clinic), in the post office; at a hotel; at restaurant, in the library, at the airport, in the bank, at the railway station, at the bus stop, on the street。


M: Can I take your coat, Madam?

W: Thank you.

M: And would you like something to drink before you order your meal.

Question: Where does the conversation take place?

A.   In a restaurant.

B.   In a coffee shop.

C.   In a clothing store.

解析:答案A。相应交际项目为就餐(Taking meals)。

作者:不详 来源:网络
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